Board Games: Bringing Back the Snow Day Favorite

Board Games: Bringing Back the Snow Day Favorite

I am very grateful to be writing this during a snow day. I’m very glad there are still some normal things during these very abnormal times. But my siblings are being forced to sit through virtual school during this snowstorm. Meaning my favorite snow day activity is kind of lacking players. You can’t really play board games by yourself.

I’ve got a decently large stack of board games in my bedroom. A deck of cards that have been recently used for Solitaire. Anomia: a game my friend introduced me to that I didn’t even know I owned. The Scrambled States of America: an old birthday present that’s turned into the most competitive game my brother and I play.  Telestrations and One Night Werewolf:  two hilariously fun games I got over winter break. One or two more that I’ve never actually opened yet. Plus the collection downstairs.

I will admit, I spend more time on my screen than I would like. It’s hard to focus on anything when the small, cellular device of entertainment is lying right next to you. 

But there is something so great about a good board game. Whether it’s a classic, a family favorite, or that never before touched game sitting in your closet, board games are something magical. Here’s a moment in time where nobody’s focused on any electrical technology whatsoever. They are too focused on the game.

Now, I am a pretty competitive person. My brother is too, which makes playing board games with my family all the more intense, but all the more fun. Quarantine has brought a lot of negative things in my life, but I’ve been able to play more board games with my family than I have in a while. It has increased our quality time together and provided us with quite a few laughs. I’ve really regained an appreciation for board games, and games without phones in general.

School has taken up a lot of my time. I’m spending hours upon hours on my computer, so anytime away from it is a gift. Board games have taught me to appreciate the little moments I have with my family because this time next year, I’ll be in another state entirely. 

This is the bright age of a new decade run by technology. I’m sitting here typing this up on a technological device. Our schools are dictated by these machines. And I’m writing about board games.